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J. Alfred Smith, Sr | Curriculum Vitae | March 2017 |
Contact: J.
Alfred Smith, Sr. |
510.544.8923 Email: emeritus@allen-temple.org Website: jalfredsmithsr-ministries.org |
1. Personal Information
19 May (Kansas City, Missouri)
Married: Bernestine Farley
2. Formal Education
1975 D.Min.
Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary
1972 ThM. (American Religious History), American Baptist Seminary of the
1966 ThM. (Church and Community), Missouri School of Religion
1959 B.D. Missouri School of Religion
1952 B.S. (Education), Western Baptist College
3. Honorary Degrees
- 1989 D.H.L. American Baptist Seminary of the West
- 1980 D.D. Western Baptist College
- 1965 LL.D. Inter-Baptist Theological Center
4. Accomplishments, Awards
- Past National President of the Progressive National Baptist Convention (PNBC)
- Past President of the American Baptist Churches of the West (ABCW)
- Lifetime Achievement Award, Greenlining Institute
- Humanitarian of the Year Award, East Bay Area Agency For Children,
- Dorothy I. Height Humanitarian Award, National Council of Negro Women, Inc.,
- Agape Award, Women’s Ministry of the Shiloh Baptist Church, Washington, D.C.
- Distinguished Author Award, Urban Ministries, Inc.
- Gandhi Ikeda Award, Morehouse College
- Economic Empowerment Award, U.S. Congress (1994)
- Ebony Magazine’s Most Influential Black Americans (1994)
- Ebony Magazine’s Top 15 Greatest Black Preachers (1993)
- Lecture on Book of Job, Oklahoma Baptist Ministers Seminar (1993)
- Congressional Award, (Outstanding Contributions to Community, State, and Nation), U.S. Congress (1991)
- Presidential Award (Recognition of spiritual leadership & counsel), National Bar Assoc., Oakland, California
- Mary
McLeod Bethune Recognition Award, The Nation Council of Negro Women, Inc.
Outstanding Service Award, Southern Baptist Convention, Home Mission Board, UTC Steering Committee - Honorary
State Representative Award, State of Louisiana Assembly
Easter Seal Outstanding Citizen Humanitarian of the Year (1981) - Outstanding Leadership and Church of the Year, City of Oakland (1980)
- Man of the Year, Oakland Black Officers Association, Oakland, California
- Edward H. Rhoades Award (Outstanding Leadership in Urban Ministry), ABC-USA
- Meritorious
Service Award, East Oakland Community Health Alliance, Inc. (1960-63)
5. Teaching and Professional Experience
2014 - Present – Professor Emeritus, American Baptist Seminary of the West, Berkeley, CA
2007 – Appointed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to California Community Colleges Board of Governors
1985 – Re-elected member of the Oakland Unified School District Board of Education
1983 – Elected member of the Oakland Unified School District Board of Education
1976-2014 - Present - Distinguished Senior Professor of Preaching and Church
Ministries, American Baptist Seminary of the West
1976-1978 - Acting Dean of the American Baptist Seminary of the West, Berkeley, CA
1968-1970 - Area Representative for the American Baptist Churches of the Ministers’ and Missionaries Benefit Board
1969-2009 – Senior Pastor, Allen Temple Baptist Church, Oakland, CA
Doctoral Advisor: Fuller Theological Seminary (Pasadena, CA);
Interdenominational Theological Center (Atlanta, GA); United Theological Seminary (Dayton, OH)
Visiting Professor,
Southern Baptist Seminary, Louisville, KY
Adjunct Professor, Garrett Theological Seminary, Evanston, IL
Visiting Professor, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA
2009- Scholar in
Residence, Gardner-Webb University, Boiling Springs, NC
1989- 2011 Founder& Chancellor, Leadership Institute at Allen Temple
6. Past Professional Board Memberships
American Baptist Churches of the West
Baptist Ministers Union of Oakland
Congress of National Black Churches Board of Directors
Board of Directors of the Fund for Theological Education
Greenlining Institute
Leadership Institute at Allen Temple
National Conference of Black Seminarians
National Council of Churches Executive Board
Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc.
Dr. Lacey Kirk Williams Educational Trust
7. Fraternal Memberships
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity
Degree Prince Hall Masons
8. Selected Publications
a. Books
- "Sounding the Trumpet: How Churches Can Answer God's Call to Justice", A Pair of Docs Publishing, 2013
- “Speak Until Justice Wakes: Prophetic Reflections from J. Alfred Smith Sr.”, Judson Press, 2006
- “On the Jericho Road: A Memoir of Racial Justice, Social Action and Prophetic Ministry”, Intervarsity Press, 2004
- “Faithful Over a Few Things”, Ormana Press, September 2000
- Study Bible “Women's Liberation: Jesus Style” (Edited by Stephanie Bibb, Holman Bible Publishers Contributing Author), Intervarsity Press, 1998
- “Falling in Love with God: Reflections on Prayer”, Urban Ministries, Chicago, IL, 1997
- “No Other Help I Know: Sermons on Prayer and Spirituality”, Judson Press, Valley Forge, Pennsylvania; 1996
- “Giving to a Giving God”, PNBC Press, 1992
- “Basic Bible Sermons on Christian Stewardship”, Broadman Press, 1992
- “The Prayer Wheel Turning: Selected Pastoral Prayers” Aaron Press, Morrisontown, NJ, 1989
- “Blessing Those Who Mourn”, David C. Cook Publishing Company, August 1988
- “Making Sense Out of Suffering”, PNBC Board of Education & Publication, 1988
- “New Treasures from the Old: A Guide to Preaching from the Old Testament”, PNBC, 1987
- “The Overflowing Heart”, Broadman Press, 1987
- “Preach On”, Broadman Press, Nashville, TN, 1984
- “The Informed and Growing Trustee”, Library of Congress, 1984
- “Deacons Upholding the Pastor's Arms”, Progressive National Baptist Publishing House, Elgin, IL, 1983
- “For the Facing of this Hour: A Call to action”, Progressive Baptist Publishing House, Elgin, IL, 1981
- “In the Name of Our Elder Brother”, Valley Publishing Company, 1976
- “Outstanding Black Sermons”, Judson Press, 1976
b. Articles, Book Chapters and Other Publications *
- “Pastoral Reflections on Hurricanes Katrina and Rita” by J. Alfred Smith in “The Sky is Falling: Race, Class, and Natural Disaster” by Cheryl A. Kirk Duggan, editor, Abingdon Press, Nashville, 2006.
- “Preaching and Worship in the African American Church” by J. Alfred Smith, Sr. in “Growing The African American Church”, Carlyle Fielding Stewart III, editor, Abingdon Press, Nashville, 2006.
- "Here I Stand", The Gospel Magazine, by Dr. Kenneth Terry, Summer 2003
- A chapter in “Power in the Pulpit: How America's Most Effective African-American Preachers Prepare”, Westminster John Knox Press, October 2002
- "Their Sermons”, by Dr. Cleophus LaRue, Westminster John Knox Press; October 2002
- An essay, "Lamentations in the City" in The Living Pulpit, April 2002
- Foreword for “The Encyclopedia of African-American Christian Heritage”, By Dr. Marvin McMickle, Judson Pr; July 2002
- A prayer in 91101: “African-American Leaders Respond to an American Crisis”, by Martha Simmons (Editor), Frank A. Thomas (Editor), Judson Pr; December 2001
- An essay ("Sin") in “The Living Pulpit”, June 1999
- “A Response to our Black Sisters in Ministry in the Black Church, What Does It Mean to Be Black and Christian?”: Pulpit, Pew and Academy in Dialogue , by Lewis V., Dr. Baldwin Sunday School Publishing Board; April 1999
- "Her Story" - The African-American Pulpit, Valley Forge, PA, Judson Press, Spring 1999
- "The God of Miriam "- The African American Pulpit, Valley Forge, PA, Judson Press, Fall 1999
- "A Reflection of Theodicy in African-American Christian Spirituality", Theology, News and Notes, Fuller Theological Seminary, October 1998
- "Freedom Talk: Conversations of Jesus with Baptists of North America", in “Proclaiming the Baptist Vision: "Religious Liberty", edited by Walter B. Shurden, Smyth & Helwys Publishing, Inc., Macon, Georgia, 1997
- Sermon, "God's Holy Presence in a Pagan World", in “The Best Preaching on Earth: Sermons on ‘Caring for Creation", edited by Stan L. LeQuire, Judson Press, Valley Forge, PA 1996
- "Preaching Good News in an Age of Scarcity, Pulpit Digest", Logos Productions, Inc., July/August 1995,
- A chapter in "From Prison Cell to Church Pew", The ITC Press, 1993
- A sermon in "Best Sermons For 1993, Responsive Readings & Litany in The African-American Heritage Hymnal"
- Sermon, "Defeating Fortune and Misfortune", in Best Sermons, edited by James W. Cox, Harper Collins Publishers, New York, NY 1993
- "Bible Studies in Nehemiah: A Plan for Rebuilding the Family", Prepared for the Allen Temple Baptist Church, Published, February 1990
- "The Church: Home Base for Everyday Ethics", by J. Alfred Smith, Sr., published by National Ministries, Pittsburgh, PA 1987
- "Handbook for Leadership Education Curriculum", Published by the Board of Education and Publication of Progressive National Baptist Convention, 82-23 Edition (Handbook Committee Chairman)
- "Facing the Insufficiency of National Security with the Sufficiency of Faith" - The Living Pulpit-Special Supplement, November 2001
- A chapter, "What Do We Do Next?-A View from The Pew" – “A Cry for Justice: The Churches and Synagogues Speak", by Robert M. Brown & Sidney T. Brown, Paulist Press, 1989
- "Don't Be Squeezed Into the World's Mold", Book of Meditations, January 1973
- "Where the Black Revolution Is Now", Mission Magazine, American Baptist Convention, - May 1969
- "The Negro and the Christian Ministry", Published by Foundations, American Baptist Historical Society- 1966
- "Let's Get Together, You and Me" Mission Magazine, American Baptist Convention
- "East of the San Francisco Bay, Risk", Volume IV, World Council of Churches
- Writer of Book Reviews for Mission Magazine, American Baptist Convention Men of Color Study Bible, King James Version, "Moses, Prayer, and Faith: African American Men and Criminal Justice, Lord Teach Us to Pray, African American Men and Social Justice
- Essay, "Here I Stand" in The Gospel Magazine, edited by Dr. Kenneth Terry, Th.D., Oakland, CA
- Sermon,
"The Saxophone Player Who Heard the Call of God, The Irresistible
Urge To Preach"
* Schomberg Library, New York, New York
has collection of the J. Alfred Smith, Sr. papers
9. Major Presentations
- E.K. Bailey Series on Expository Preaching (2009)
- Fifth Annual International Conference on Preaching St. Andrew’s Baptist Church, Cambridge, England. Topic: “A Changeless Christ in a Changing World”, Hebrews 13:8. (2007)
- Keynote Address at the Second Annual Conference on Black Preaching, Baylor University, Dallas, Texas (2005)
- Guest Lecturer, Oxford University Roundtable Conference, Oxford, England (2004)
- Testified before the United Nations against Apartheid in South Africa, New York City, New York (1989)
- Speaker, California Baptist Summer Conference, Asilomar, California, Speaker (1972)
- Speaker, Progressive National Baptist Convention of California, Las Vegas (1972)
- Speaker, American Baptist Churches of Tacoma, Washington (1972)
- Speaker,
Linfield College, McMinnville, Oregon (1969)
Speaker, Pacific Northwest Black Clergy Conference (1969) - Seminano de Bautista, Mexico City, Mexico (1969)
- Speaker, Institutio de Superior Estudios, Mexico City, Mexico (1969)
- Speaker, Staff of Youth Department, World Council of Churches, Geneva, Switzerland (1968)
- Speaker, Oregon Baptist Men's Retreat, Portland, September (1968)
- Speaker, Nevada Baptist Convention (1968)
- Free Church Seminary Seniors, Normaims Church, Stockholm, Sweden (1968)
- Preacher, Danish Baptist Union, Aalbolg, Denmark (1968)
- Preacher, Danish Baptist Union, Copenhagen, Denmark (1968)
- Speaker, International Students, University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden (1968)
- Speaker, Free Church Youth Council, University of Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden (1968)
- Religious Emphasis Week, Bishop College, Dallas, Texas (1967)
- Vesper Speaker, National Christian Education Conference of the American Baptist Convention (1967)
- Chapel Preacher, Berkeley Baptist Divinity School, Berkeley, California
10. Lectureships
- Baptist World Alliance Commission on Freedom, Justice, and Peace, Toronto Canada & Seoul Korea
- Baylor University, Waco, TX
- Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School, Rochester, NY
- Gardner–Webb University, Charlotte, NC
- Garrett Theological Seminary, Evanston, IL
- Harvard Divinity School, Cambridge, MA
- Interdenominational Theological Seminary, Atlanta, GA
- Morehouse School of Religion, Atlanta, GA
- Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, CA
- Samuel DeWitt Proctor Theological Seminary, Richmond, VA
- San Francisco Theological Seminary, San Anselmo, CA
- Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, TX
- Yale
Divinity School, New Haven, CT
11. Chapel Preaching
- Baylor University Chapel, Waco, TX
- Claremont School of Theology, Claremont, CA
- Duke Divinity School Chapel, Durham, NC
- Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA
- George Truett Seminary Chapel, Waco, TX
- Howard University Rankin Chapel, Washington, D.C.
- Harvard Divinity School, Cambridge, MA
- Interdenominational Theological Seminary, Atlanta, GA
- Morehouse School of Religion, Atlanta, GA
- Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, CA
- Samuel DeWitt Proctor Theological Seminary, Richmond, VA
- San Francisco Theological Seminary, San Anselmo, CA
- Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY
- Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, TX
- Virginia University, Lynchburg, VA